so, me and my friend resha made a pledge together to do the inevitable and grow our afros past our shoulders, maybe even up to our elbows! :o
we've read all the blogs and looked with admiration at all the pictures of other black girls who have reached this target and frankly have hair that we would love to be on our heads instead. but then after more researching we usually see how much time and dedication goes into growing afro hair and we do what most people do at this point... GIVE UP before we've even begun. (correction: we DID what most people do because now we are going to hopefully join the crew of black girls with long hair but with less effort)
if i am honest i am LAZY! if i am going to grow my hair i am not going to spend 10 minutes massaging my scalp every night, so that factor has been cut down dramatically to a minimum of 10 seconds. Yep, you did read right 10 seconds :) on a good day i may even do 20 seconds
i can see you muttering to yourself that this will never work, but im being realistic and showing my hair the love it deserves and 10 minutes of massaging is just WAY to much love to be past on to my hair. that can be invested into something else... like food! mmmmm ice-cream and apple crumble *licks lips*
so, i will tell you about me and reshas hair at this point (we made the pledge on the 20/11/12 - today is 23/11/12). my hair is in extensions and reshas is straightened - not that they were vital details but im just showing that we are being real here. no way am i dealing with afro hair and rain! okay, back to the point of this... in January 2012, so this year, i cut off my hair! yep all of, well not bald there was like 2 inches of it and ive put my hair in extensions all year (with moments of afroness cuz i love me my afroness :P) and now my hair is almost touching my shoulders wooohoooo 10 months of growth! thank God it grew back - my mum was not pleased with me in January. eek
resha has had her hair all her life (haha i dont know why that sounds funny) and it is past her shoulders wooohoooo. i should get her to come and talk to you... *calls resha*
we want our hair longer! we WILL get our hair longer and nullify this rumour that afro hair doesn't grow!
so we'll keep you updated and hopefully we shall put up some pics soon.
Love you loads all my afrolings and tumblrings,
Lee xx