Wednesday 28 November 2012

Long Hair Mission - part letter grow

I believe I was called… lol I’ve been on this hair growing business for at least 3 years now and have a pitiful amount of growth to show for it. I feel like I know about everything: co-washing, henna, stretching, BC, APL, WL, roller sets, twist outs and braid outs. I cant say I’ve done them all but let’s just say I have ‘history’ XP I’ve stopped and started so many times my hope has dwindled. Especially since I got to the length I’m up to now…growth appears to have ceased altogether! But being that fake positivist that I am (not in that sociological way) I’m back! With my army of one! And anyone else I can find … Wanna join the ‘revolution’ ? Or just watch our progress? Leave some tips and comments Au revoir mon amies Resha xx Ps. I plan to get to waist length even if it kills me *serious face*

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