Monday 24 December 2012

noooo it's me next :(

apparently its time for me to upload some pics of my hair when im washing it
arrgh, this wont be good because unlike resha's hair, mine shrinks dramatically when it gets wet!

i have to brace myself for this embarrassment but the pictures should be up (hopefully) by the end of this week!
  > expresses my exact feelings when i realise i have to blowdry my dramatically shrunken hair lool

then i'll show you my hair blow-dried out so you can see the level of shrinkage im talking about
and the process of me doing my hair in extensions (which i do myself because its more practical and cost-effective to do so)

see you later my little peek-a-boos xx

All kinks round 'ere

In yesterdays post you would have seen my hair laying down looking all nice in its wet state. Looking like I'm coolie or something. Oh no no honey, I get down and nappy like the rest of you lool
Looks like a tangled mess, well, it is! I probably should have put some conditioner or oil in it. Ah well we live and we learn :)
Do you see the straight bits at the back, that's exactly why the flat iron/ straightener had to go !

Sunday 23 December 2012

Just a taster (co-washing)

My own mates didn't even know what I did to my hair so I hella know ya'll wont (hope i said that correctly...maybe I should just stick to what I know.
Wah gwan naturals and transitioners out there I just tried co-washing again(can't forget you relaxed and texturised sisters AND dudes). There was a time when I used to do this almost daily and my mum and grandma used to warn me that if i kept playing with my hair so much it would fall out haha, [i must show you some comparison shots]
But yeah, its so simple, especially with TRESemmé naturals conditioner, it has so much slip that i can finger detangle my hair easily! Let me show you...

First of all, here's my dry hair, just before washing it; haven't done anything special to it beforehand. Had previously washed and bantu knotted (china/chiney bumped) over a week ago and had been plaiting/braiding at night times.

Hopped in the shower and thoroughly wet my hair under the showerhead. result, instant curls! Love the look of my wet hair, such a shame it doesnt exactly have that look dry lool
The steam in the shower was starting to cloud my camera lens

The magic stuff! haha joking, this works for me but you never know what will work for you, try different conditioners to see which one is the best for your hair :)
This was supposed to show how much I used but I in fact used much more than this so lets just say that I'm showing you what it looks like.

Hair started to shrink whilst in the shower, however this is what my hair looked like when i put the conditioner in. Can't see it at all, it all my disappears when i put this in my hair.

Decided to put my hair into a low bun once i finished   rinsing the conditioner out (to stretch it out a little and get it out of the way a bit).

Hair about two minutes later. Looks quite pretty if i do say so myself

And thats it! wasnt that simple, took probably 10 - 15 minutes, could do it before school or work.
Go on, try it! Then show me :)

Saturday 15 December 2012

twist hairstyles

so, i have been searching google for twist hairstyles that can be done with natural hair...

there have been some AMAZING results
i'll out some links to a few of the web pages i stumbled across

1] < this one was a personal favourite through the way the hair is going to one side. I'm definitely going to attempt this myself but add my own personality to it!

2],mod%3D7&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=S9DMUOChObPK0AXt4IHoDw&biw=1517&bih=693&sei=2NjMUIaeNoa-0QXD5ICYCg      < this is basically going to a google search for 'natural twist hairstyles' there were many cool ones on here but you need to SEARCH for them haha

3]     this hairstyle was so beautiful that it was worth putting the picture there! I love the fat and small combination of the cornrows, although i wouldn't have it as a mohican (not sure if that's spelt right) style...
it should be one of the images in the google link #2

4] , i wasn't a fan of all of the styles on this page but i suppose there's something there for everyone

Lots of love,

p.s. you'll see me with these styles very soon x

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Twisting it up

Just if your wondering what I've been up to (i know Li's been taking over lol) I've just had my hair in twists,very boring but i thought id update you anyway :)


a little something for my transitioning sisters!

love that afrooooo  <---- CLICK THE LINK

i decided to put a little confidence booster video up for those who are transitioning and trying to fall in love with their afro!
btw the woman in the video is NOT me :)

i've practically been afro all my life. i texturised my hair in 2011 but that only lasted for about 5 months because i missed my afro and i didnt look after my hair simply because i didnt love it anymore :(
so you could say that i can relate to those who have/are transitioning but also to those who have had afro/kinky hair all their lives.

we love you all no matter what your hair type
keep growing that hair

Lots of Love,

fusion of cultures tutorial...

fusion of cultures tutorial <----- CLICK THE LINK

i cant wait for my hair to grow so i can do this style in my hair :D

excited for hairstyles to come in 2013

(Resha intrusion - Li forgot to mention that Laila is awesome!! check out the rest of her channel :))

Lots of Love,

Im Giving up On Straighteners...


...For one year! 
I cant believe i just said that, i don't even know if ill even be able to do it, its a crazy spur of the moment plan (which i really should think more over) but its what my hair needs. seeing pictures of Li's afro makes me miss my own and i just feel like my hair isn't the same since I've used heat on it, it just wont curl, or bush out the same way and i miss it. plus this is just a personal thing i think i should do for myself(i never finish anything...) I had previous planned to give up on fake hair as well, not that i really use any but now i think i might, when i feel that itch to straighten, ill just braid it up! Yup, that's how i will do things. I might try those chunky braids that seem to be in style these days like Solange,
 though not as long. I hope this all works out. Wish me Luck Guys xx

that afro tied back...

Wednesday 5th December 2012

its meeee again :D,
this is my hair again but this time tied back into one 
the aim is to get this even bushier and much longer but so far the growth is satisfying!
I hope we're motivating all of you that read this blog to grow your hair 

Lots of Love,

ps. embrace your naturalness :D xx

Li's hair in December 2012

Wednesday December 5th 2012

hey guys and girlies,

sorry about the bad camera, i really need to invest in a better one.

but this is my hair after 11 months of growth (i think what i did is called transitioning - hopefully resha can confirm).
my afro is well and truly on its way to becoming the length i want it to be. The volume is great, now just to increase the length - i'll let my hair breath then do extensions again in January :)

Lots of Love,

Monday 3 December 2012

afrroooo manniiiaaa

okay, so today for the first time i went to uni with my hair out!
the fluffiness, the hugeness (if that's even an word), the feeling of the breeze going through my hair....

this is what i love and anyone will tell you when i have my hair 'afro' is when im happiest!

the people at my uni have never seen my afro until this day, but considering its near the end of the first term of first year i think it's safe to say that its acceptable :P

i received compliments and often looks of amazement at the mountain of hair of my head.I loved it! I love when my hair causes people to look in my direction or when it makes them stop and take a second glance; be it for a bad or good reason (although i'd rather it be the latter). Afro hair is big, out there, bubbly, fun and just a bundle of laughs, this reflects me :)
hopefully resha agrees lol (that stands for laugh out loud - for our fans outside of the UK we love you guys and girlies too)

Let your hair show WHO YOU ARE!
embrace it...
wear it...
love it...

Lots of Love,
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