Sunday 23 December 2012

Just a taster (co-washing)

My own mates didn't even know what I did to my hair so I hella know ya'll wont (hope i said that correctly...maybe I should just stick to what I know.
Wah gwan naturals and transitioners out there I just tried co-washing again(can't forget you relaxed and texturised sisters AND dudes). There was a time when I used to do this almost daily and my mum and grandma used to warn me that if i kept playing with my hair so much it would fall out haha, [i must show you some comparison shots]
But yeah, its so simple, especially with TRESemmé naturals conditioner, it has so much slip that i can finger detangle my hair easily! Let me show you...

First of all, here's my dry hair, just before washing it; haven't done anything special to it beforehand. Had previously washed and bantu knotted (china/chiney bumped) over a week ago and had been plaiting/braiding at night times.

Hopped in the shower and thoroughly wet my hair under the showerhead. result, instant curls! Love the look of my wet hair, such a shame it doesnt exactly have that look dry lool
The steam in the shower was starting to cloud my camera lens

The magic stuff! haha joking, this works for me but you never know what will work for you, try different conditioners to see which one is the best for your hair :)
This was supposed to show how much I used but I in fact used much more than this so lets just say that I'm showing you what it looks like.

Hair started to shrink whilst in the shower, however this is what my hair looked like when i put the conditioner in. Can't see it at all, it all my disappears when i put this in my hair.

Decided to put my hair into a low bun once i finished   rinsing the conditioner out (to stretch it out a little and get it out of the way a bit).

Hair about two minutes later. Looks quite pretty if i do say so myself

And thats it! wasnt that simple, took probably 10 - 15 minutes, could do it before school or work.
Go on, try it! Then show me :)

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