Tuesday 22 January 2013

what's up afroooosss

heya reader/follows/beauties,

i havent been on here to say anything for a while because my hair is currently in extensions.
i know, i know that's no excuse!

so i'm back blogging now
(as my internet wasn't working for about two weeks #torture)

ive mimicked the hairstyle done by Jada with the fine extensions that are literally just a bit longer than my natural hair. this hairstyle is so easy to maintain! the plaits are small and manageable, it can be tied up or left down without it getting trapped everywhere because its too long!

and more importantly it doesn't weigh your head down.
now i'm someone who loves to be the only one rocking a particular style, so while everyone had longer plaits i've gone for the short ones, although this is worth sharing

Much love daaarrr-lings xx

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