So, i've had my hair in twists for a while now because I am fed up with combing it. Yeah, I said it lol combing this afro of mine isn't always a walk in the park.
But with the twists, I just wake up put my hair back in one and rollll...
I am very used to doing my own hair, i've been doing my own extensions since about 12/13 years old woohoo
I usually do plaits but it's so time consuming! But i've discovered or rather, reminded myself of the wonderful world of twists!
I've challenged myself to keep twisting my hair for a few months, or maybe a bit longer as it probably been a few months already.
Yep, i'm going to do those wonderful kinky twist extensions
No, not the big twists
No, not the small twists using expressions
Those afro-looking twists using kinky hair
Images are from a google image search for 'womens topshop blazer' and 'womens red blazer' - go google too!
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