Wednesday 8 May 2013

*raps* now this is a story all about how...

this happens...

so i've seen the recent posts by Resha and Siobhan (aka Sibz) and sat there thinking to myself....

it's time to blooogggg
and yep, here i am loool 

i'll talk about the hair now

This has been mentioned before but this cornrow/canerow/cainrow-out is achieved by, umm, cornrowing the hair at night and loosing it out in the morning.

There are three simple rules my lovelies:

1] the cornrows must be tight (don't do it really tight but not loose lol)
2] wear a headscarf to bed (i'm sure we all do this but there's no harm in adding it haha)
3] when loosing it out do not comb it *grabs megaphone* - i repeat do not comb it 

Yeah then fluff and gooo 

you can tie the front back or just style how you want 

This is a great alternative to a braid out! I heard they use water... and water just makes my hair shrink to about 4-5 inches in length, stretching doesn't work it, just stays like that (i know it's pretty sad)

so this is my alternative!!     

Have fun trying out this style :D xx

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